
Cape Town是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

Cape Town

美式发音: [keɪp taʊn] 英式发音: 






n.1.[City]the legislative capital of South Africa

1.开普敦 92 Cambridge 坎布里奇 美国 美东 93 Cape Town 开普顿 南非 95 Cardiff 加的夫 英国 西北欧 ...

3.南非 Cannes 戛纳- 法国 Cape Town 开普敦- 南非 Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡- 摩洛哥 ...

4.南非开普敦 新西兰的南岛 South Island 好望角 Cape Town 金庙 Golden Temple ...

6.开普敦区 6、海德堡区( Helderberg) 1、开普敦区( Cape Town) 2、南半岛区( South Peninsula) ...

7.南非的开普敦    所以,今日南非的开普敦Cape Town)成为南非最欧洲的城市 ,置身开普敦,你原全不会想到“这里是非洲”。但是,在东部 …

8.开普敦市开普敦市(Cape Town)以阿非力康(Afrikaans)语系和新教徒人口为主要结构,也有相当一小部分的穆斯林(Muslim)回教人口。杂 …


1.As Cape Town approached there was an argument and a scuffle in the corridor, and my heart sank.在接近开普敦时,在走廊里发生了争执和厮打,我心里一沉。

2.After Alphie the piglet was abandoned by his mother, the owner Claire, who lived in Cape Town, South Africa, decided to bottle-feed him.小猪阿尔法被母亲抛弃,家住南非开普敦的主人克莱尔于是决定亲自抚养他。

3.The company supposed to operate it for 30 years just pulled out of the deal, largely because Cape Town doesn't need another stadium.而号称要经营30年的那家公司也刚刚撤销了合同,主要原因是开普敦并不需要另一座体育场馆。

4.One of his volunteer roles was particularly meaningful to him: Lawton helped out at the Disabled Parking area at the Cape Town Stadium.在劳顿所负责的义工业务中,最有意义的,莫非是在好望角球场,协助行动不便人士停车。

5.The city of Durban has already made a pitch; Cape Town may follow; Johannesburg for the moment is keeping mum.德班市已经开始宣传;开普敦或紧随其后;约堡目前按兵不动。

6.Revisiting Cape Town, he was eager to involve himself in supporting local culture.重临开普敦时,他迫切的希望自己能为当地文化做点什么。

7.Like Liverpool, Cape Town and Buenos Aires, New York is one of the world's great cities whose history is closely linked to the Atlantic.像利特浦,开普敦和布宜诺斯艾利斯一样,纽约是世界上自始便与大西洋息息相关的大城市之一。

8.Other low emitters included Geneva and Prague; Los Angeles, Cape Town and Toronto were among the high emitters. The rest fell in between.其他低排放城市包括日内瓦和布拉格,而洛杉矶、开普敦和多伦多则属于高排放城市,其它的三个城市位列中游。

9.This was the promise made by the gunmen who carjacked Shrien and Anni Dewani on Saturday night in a township near Cape Town, South Africa.这是上周六晚上,枪手在南非开普敦附近的一个乡镇,劫持Shrien和AnnieDewani时所作的承诺。

10.Nowadays in Cape Town we find important testimonies of these indigenous populations, the Bushmen and Hottentot, in the South African Museum.在开普敦的南非博物馆,我们能找到这些早期土著居民--布什曼人和霍顿托特人--用过的器具。